Terms of use of information

Terms of use of information published on the official websites of NL International

1. List of official websites

The official websites of the company are the following:

The company has no relation to any other websites mentioning NL International.

The company also has official social media accounts that publish information from the official websites (news, presentations) as well as exclusive posts:

NL Store app for iOS and Android iOS и Android

NL Reader app for iOS and Android iOS и Android

Business success model for iOS and Android iOS и Android

2. Rights to information and trademarks

The information published online on any of the official websites and social media pages of NL International is owned by NL Continent LLC, the managing company of NL International in Russia and CIS countries. All content including texts, images, videos and elements of website design are protected by the Civil code of the Russian Federation. In addition to the content, the company's trademarks including the name «NL International» and all product names are protected by law.

The Civil code of the Russian Federation (part four)

Section VII. Rights to results of intellectual activity and to means of individualization

3. How to use the information published on the official websites

The company recommends several ways to quote the information published on the official websites of the company.

4. Information for owners of online stores

Sale of NL International products by third-party online stores is prohibited by the company's Standards. The company's products are only sold through the official store (nlstar.com; nlstar.by – on the territory of the Republic of Belarus), The company does not give online stores permission to use any content owned by the company, including the content published online. These measures are part of the policy for the protection of NL's reputation.

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